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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2478
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) [s(acrum)] / L(ucius) Naev[ius] / Augu[- - -] / Pr[- - -]/lis [ann(orum)] / procur[- - -] / Amatus ac[tor - - -] / p(ius) in [suis] / (...)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 548 = CIL II 5463 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2479
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / NECAN / VSIC N C / ann(orum) XXV / p(ius) in suis / {HS} h(ic) s(itus) e(st) / s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 549 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2480
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Q(uinti) Publii / [  Biblio CIL II2/5, 550 = CIL II 1547 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2481
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Valeria / [- - -]da an(norum) / [  Biblio CIL II2/5, 551 = CIL II 1549 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2482
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ]L[- - -] / TIS p(ius?) in s(uis) h(ic) s(itus?) e(st) / s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 552 = CIL II 1550 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2483
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ]/ [ann(orum) - - -]III p(ius?) i(n) [s(uis) / h(ic) s(itus?) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 553 = HEp 8, 1998, 215 
Epitafio de Achilles
 Record No. 2484
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Peregrin/us sum fel/ix receptus / in pace / Achilles / omnes qui pereg/rini sites ad me be/ne vobis erit  Biblio CIL II2/5, 555 = HEp 1, 1989, 275 = AE 1985, 558 
Keywords Carmen 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2485
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Sollemnis // felix // Sollemnis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 556 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2486
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription / p(ius?) i]n s[uis / h(ic) s(itus?) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 557 = HEp 8, 1998, 216 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2487
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ]I[- - - / - - - pi]issu[mus? - - - / - - -]IO[  Biblio CIL II2/5, 558 = HEp 8, 1998, 217 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2488
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Chioni  Biblio CIL II2/5, 559 
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2489
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Sollemnis // NICARE // Sollemnis // NICARE  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560a = CIL II 4967,21 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2490
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Sollemnis // NICARE // Sollemnis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560b 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2491
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription NICARE // Sollem//nis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560c 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2492
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Sollem//nis Sollemn//is  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560d 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2493
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription [S]ol[lemnis]  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560e 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2494
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Sollemnis // [NICARE?] / So[llemnis]  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560f = CIL II 6253,08 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2495
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription [Sol]lem//[nis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560g = CIL II 6253,05 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2496
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Sollemnis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560h 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2497
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription [So]llemnis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 560i 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2498
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Ter(- - -) / Arv[aci]  Biblio CIL II2/5, 561a = CIL II 6253,09 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2499
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription [Ter(- - -) / Ar]vaci  Biblio CIL II2/5, 561b = CIL II 6253,04 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2500
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Arva[ci]  Biblio CIL II2/5, 561c 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2501
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Firma/nus ann/orum / XXXXVIIII / pius in s(uis) / s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 562 = CIL II 1544 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 2502
Found inMontilla, Córdoba, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Phile / an(norum) XXIII / m(ensium) II d(ierum) XX / pia in s(uis) hic / s(ita) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 563 = CIL II 1545 
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